A downloadable game

Learn the body parts of five common garden invertebrates. The app covers the earthworm, snail, grasshopper, planaria,  and hydra.  The app allows the student to study the labeled  diagrams and then attempt to identify the labels on the diagrams. There is a report screen at the end of the app which displays the student’s  score for each diagram along with the number of wrong answers and the number of hints used. The app can be used as a learning tool during the school year or as a review tool at the end of the year. Audible cues indicate when a correct or wrong answer has been chosen. After playing, the student has the choice to improve individual scores or start all over.

This app has been tested on an Android smartphone, a seven-inch tablet, and a ten-inch tablet. It will also run on Android TV as well as Android smart boards. There is a Windows version available as a zipped, setup executable file. This app is freeware and should not be sold or distributed for profit. This app may be given to friends, colleagues, and students without restriction. This app may be installed on multiple devices. The app does not collect any information or connect to the internet. Enjoy.


LTDGardInv.apk 4 MB

Install instructions

Download to your Android device and chose install.

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